Work based on the UArizona pioneered James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) instrument - NIRCam
~ NIRCam will detect light from: the earliest stars and galaxies in the process of formation, the population of stars in nearby galaxies, as well as young stars in the Milky Way and Kuiper Belt objects.
Credits - NASA Goddard

Assessing the Performance of NASA/ESA JWST Image Simulator - PhoSim-NIRCam
Adviser: Dr. Eiichi Egami
JWST (James Webb Space Telescope) is the next large space telescope that will be launched by NASA and ESA (European Space Agency) in 2021. As a preparation, our group has been developing an image simulator for JWST's NIRCam (Near-Infrared Camera), which was built under the leadership of UArizona (PI: Dr. Marcia Rieke).
What is PhoSim-NIRCam?
PhoSim-NIRCam is a full end-to-end JWST/NIRCam image simulator built on the framework of the LSST (Large Survey Synoptic Telescope) image simulator PhoSim. It contains a comprehensive physical model of the JWST telescope + NIRCam, and simulates photons propagating through the whole system using a Monte Carlo approach. PhoSim-NIRCam is easy to use, allowing the user to start creating realistic NIRCam images with minimal preparation. It also provides a variety of advanced features that allow direct control of any element in the system, which is fruitful in diagnosing real-time data, helping to identify the origin of any unexpected features and characteristics that may appear in the real system. The current phase involves assessing the performance of this image simulator (called PhoSim-NIRCam) and ensuring that the images it produces are reliable and realistic. It also includes simulating some real sky areas like the Large Magellanic Cloud, that will be observed as part of the NIRCam in-orbit commissioning.
First JWST/NIRCam Images Simulated by PhoSim-NIRCam
The CANDELS GOODS-S F160W source catalog was used with PhoSim-NIRCam to create these images (a flat-fnu SED was assumed). A sky background was added in the form of Poisson Noise using Python. In this simulation, the NIRCam images do not necessarily look deeper than the CANDELS HST/F160W image because the former only contain sources that are seen in the latter.

Total integration time: 10 minutes (600 sec)
Sky background: 0.1 MJy/sr.

Total integration time: 10 minutes (600 sec)
Sky background: 0.1 MJy/sr.

The publicly available CANDELS image, which was used as the truth image for this simulation.
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